{"form":{"input":{"email-address":"Email address","forename":"First name","surname":"Last name","username":"Username","password":"Password","confirm-password":"Confirm password","mobilenum":"Mobile number","sign-in":"Sign in","code":"Multi-factor authentication code"},"validation":{"invalid-login":"Invalid username or password","unauthorised-login":"Unauthorised - {{- 0, resolve }}","enter-valid-email":"Please enter a valid email address.","email-invalid-format":"Email is in the wrong format - Check that it has been entered correctly.","not-verified":"Sorry, but your email address has not been verified yet. Please follow the link in the email you were sent, or contact an administrator to send a new verification email.","invalid-code":"Invalid multi-factor code","sso-configuration":"Sorry, but the single-sign-on request was invalid and we were unable to log you in at this time.","sso-unmatched":"Sorry, your single-sign-on request did not match any valid accounts in this system."}},"login":{"options":{"student":"Student sign in","graduate":"{{- labels.graduateSectionTitle, resolve }} sign in and registration","operator":"Operator sign in","employer":"Organisation sign in"},"titles":{"student":"Student sign in","graduate":"{{- labels.graduateSectionTitle, resolve }} sign in","operator":"Operator sign in","employer":"Organisation sign in"},"forgotten-password":"Forgotten your password?"},"logout":{"saml-success":"You have been successfully logged out of the service, please make sure you close the browser to completely logout."},"register":{"prompt":{"header":"Register"},"label":"Register","already-registered":"Already registered?","graduate":{"header":"{{- labels.graduateSectionTitle, resolve }} registration","form":{"mandatory":"Please enter the following information. Fields marked * are mandatory.","course":{"name":"{{- labels.courseName, resolve }} graduated with","date-graduated":"Date of graduation (approx)","about":"About your course"},"student-id":"Student ID no. (If known)","mobile-num":"Mobile number","brief-description":"Brief description about your occupational background and interests","success":"Your registration has been sent for approval. You will receive an email with more details (within 3 working days)."}}},"forgotten-password":{"title":"Forgotten password","instructions":"Please enter your email address and we\u0027ll send you reset instructions","success":{"email-sent":"Thank you, an email has been sent to:","help":"If you don\u0027t receive an email within an hour of seeing this message, or are otherwise having difficulties logging in, please contact us on {{- mainTelephone, resolve }}.","not-correct":"Not the correct email address?"}},"reset-password":{"title":"Reset your password","password-rules":"Your password must contain at least ten alpha-numeric characters, plus two of the following: a special character; a number; an uppercase letter.","validation":{"password-invalid":"Your new password did not meet the requirements. Please try again.","password-too-short":"Passwords must contain at least 10 alpha numeric characters","password.minimum.alpha.count":"Passwords must contain at least {{- 0, resolve }} alpha numeric characters","password-contains-username":"Password cannot contain your username","password-special-cases":"Passwords must contain at least 2 out of the following 3 items: Upper and lower case letters, Numbers, Special characters (e.g. $, \u0026, *, etc.)","non-matching-passwords":"Both passwords must match."},"success":"Hooray! Your password has been successfully changed.","error":{"token-invalid":"Sorry, the link you followed has now expired.","reset-failed":"Sorry, there was a problem resetting your password. Please contact us on {{- mainTelephone, resolve }}"}},"resend-verification":{"title":"Re-Send Verification Email","link":"Click here to request a new verification email","instructions":"We\u0027ll send a new verification email to the address entered below"},"attend":{"check-in":"Check in","details-check-in":"Check in with","method-check-in":"Enter your {{- 0, resolve }} to check in","code-invalid":"Sorry, it looks like that code is no longer valid and cannot be used for attendance at this event.","error-help":"Please contact a member of the {{- labels.serviceName, resolve }} for further information.","logged-in-info":"As you are already logged in, your attendance has been recorded automatically.","homepage":"Return to the {{- labels.shortInstitutionName, resolve }} {{- labels.serviceName, resolve }} homepage","view-event":"View event details"}}